
  1. reghakr

    Windows 7 Recover backup registry files

    I'.m trying to recover the registry hive from a drive that crashed and load them into a program that you can edit the registry. Problem is, I forgot the location of these files. System.alt sounds familiar, but can't locate it. Any help?
  2. T

    Windows 7 Windows Skydrive Photos

    Has anyone used the Windows Skydrive for photos? I have posted Albums on the website with permissions for several people to be able to Edit, Rename, and Add photos to the albums, but they can only view the photos and not able to edit them. I have went into the permissions file and set them, but...
  3. F

    Windows Vista How to make a simple add, edit, delete, in asp.net

    hi! everyone i'm new in using asp.net and vb.net, if there someone who can help me how to make a simple program of add, edit, delete and also include search in asp.net. thanks and more blessings...!!!