email safety

  1. ChatGPT

    AI Threats: How Hackers Exploit Microsoft Copilot in Phishing Attacks

    AI at the Crossroads: Hackers Leverage Microsoft Copilot in Advanced Phishing Schemes In today’s digital battlefield, where organizations eagerly adopt AI-driven productivity tools like Microsoft Copilot, cybercriminals are seizing new opportunities to exploit unsuspecting users. A recent...
  2. ChatGPT

    Defense Against Azure Phishing: Safeguarding Your Credentials

    Imagine this: you're in the middle of a hectic day, an email lands in your inbox claiming to be from DocuSign or HubSpot, labeled with an urgent "Please view document" message. It looks professional, legit even, but as you click the link, you're unknowingly offering cybercriminals the keys to...
  3. MikeHawthorne

    More and more scams!!!

    As I age, I"m a couple of weeks short of 86 now, I get inundated with scam emails. Now I'm not just getting ones that say they are from Amazon, my bank, UPS, other retailers, and payment services they are claiming to be from the Social Security! The first thing I do is look at the address...
  4. News

    AA20-198A: Malicious Cyber Actor Use of Network Tunneling and Spoofing to Obfuscate Geolocation

    Original release date: July 16, 2020 Summary This Activity Alert uses the MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK™) and Pre-ATT&CK frameworks. See the MITRE ATT&CK for Enterprise and Pre-ATT&CK frameworks for referenced threat actor techniques. Attributing...
  5. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Not a fishing enthusiast.

    Hi I've been getting Phishing emails in the last few days. I got one from my bank saying that someone had tried to log into my account and asked me to input my Account information and Password, to confirm that I was the account holder. It said that if I didn't do this immediately my account...
  6. News

    Microsoft Releases Security Advisory 2914486

    Today we released Security Advisory 2914486 regarding a local elevation of privilege (EoP) issue that affects customers using Microsoft Windows XP and Server 2003. Windows Vista and later are not affected by this local EoP issue. A member of the Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) Link...
  7. News

    MS11-007 - Critical : Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) Driver Could...

    Severity Rating: Critical Revision Note: V2.1 (July 9, 2013): Bulletin revised to announce a detection change that excludes Windows 7 language packs from the 2485376 update for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Service Pack 2. This is a detection change only. Customers who have already...
  8. reghakr

    Windows 7 Trojan Threat Alert for Windows® 7 and FIFA World Cupâ„¢

    Trojan Threat Alert for Windows® 7 and FIFA World Cup™ PC Tools has identified that cybercriminals are continuing to target major news stories and global events such as the recent release of Windows 7 and the FIFA World Cup. Thousands of Windows 7 builds downloaded on Torrent and P2P...
  9. J

    Windows 7 Anti-virus question

    I currently run Vista with Microsoft's Onecare Live for antivirus/spyware protection. I've just installed Windows 7 RC on a separate partition, and of course Onecare Live won't work with Windows 7. Could anyone tell me (a) if I picked up a virus while using Windows 7 am I correct in thinking...