
  1. Super Sarge

    VIDEO A truly different Chrismas Poem very moving

    This truly a different Christmas Poem put to Music A Different Christmas Poem - YouTube I am a Viet Nam vet; When you watch this beautiful tribute, please remember things were different for us. I ask for no appologies, no sympathy. I will ask you to consider better men and women! They serve...
  2. reghakr

    Kids Open Present From Military Dad [VIDEO]

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO R.E.M - Everybody Hurts (Live)

    :cool: :applaud:
  4. cybercore

    Soldier Proposes Via Voice Mail -- to the Wrong Woman

    Soldier Proposes Via Voice Mail -- to the Wrong Woman When Diane Potts of Gateshead in northern England checked her voice mail on Jan. 20, she found a moving surprise. It was a 90-second message from an emotional soldier in Afghanistan, The Daily Mail reported. He spoke of his pain at...
  5. cybercore

    VIDEO Electric Funeral

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Ree-flex in the ska-ay Wa-a-arn you you're gonna die Storm coming, you'd better hide from the atomic tide Flashes in the sky turns houses into sties Turns people into clay, radiation minds decay Robot minds of robot slaves lead them to atomic rage...
  6. whoosh

    Monkey Gives Cat Mouth to Mouth

    Kalee, I know words can never heal your broken heart but please don't let one bad experience turn you against all monkeys. This summer my cat, Snaps, fell into our half-filled pool and couldn't get out. We were watching Snaps die before our eyes when a monkey suddenly climbed over the fence...
  7. reghakr

    High-Tech Headstones Let You Speak From Beyond the Grave

    After he dies, Christopher Hill plans to speak to his grandchildren, great grandchildren and even future generations from beyond the grave – not through a psychic medium or his last will and testament, but through a microchip. You no longer a need to go to the chapel, just tune into the...