hello, i need help. when i upgraded my win 8.1 to win 10 the system language was set to greek
by the installation i have tried several times to set it to english ( google and youtube videos ) but no luck.
now i have removed the english keyboard i left the laptop for a few minuetes and it...
Suddenly and quite without warning, my forward slash is doing the following - make sure you're standing up before you see the following holding down the Shift button - forward slash = \
Now my keyboard is set to "English (United States) keyboard" -
If I set it to "English (Canada) keyboard" I...
browser issues
canada keyboard
character mapping
font problems
french keyboard
google chrome
input issues
internet explorer
shift key
windows 8
I defined one input keyboard (Spanish LatinAmerican) which is not English. Though I would like to keep the option to use as an exception the English keyboard.
However sometimes the computer changes the input keyboard into the English one.
And more rarely it changes to another keyboard...
Hi Guys...had a problem in Dreamweaver the other day relating to Keyboard Shortcuts not working from the 'Keypad'...posted the question on the Adobe forum and received this answer...
You can't use numeric keypad with CTRL key because those keys are meant to be used alone for inserting numbers...
Fixes an issue in which the English (India) Keyboard is not listed after you add the Rupee supplement to an English version Windows 7 image to support new Indian keyboards that contains Rupee symbols.
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