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    VIDEO Calls for caution as the number of monkeypox cases continues to rise globally

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    VIDEO History of the Black Death - Full Documentary

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    SATIRE Briton On A War Footing To Fight Coronavirus !

    🇬🇧 :eek:
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    VIDEO Coronavirus: Italy infections jump 50 per cent in 24 hours - as global death toll pass 3,000

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    VIDEO Salmonella outbreak linked to turkey

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    VIDEO Plague-Carrying Fleas Discovered in Arizona - The End of Times?

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    NEWS Psychiatric hospitals filling up with time travellers sent back to kill Donald Trump

    Psychiatric facilities across the United States are at breaking point after the number of people claiming to be sent from the future to stop Donald Trump reached epidemic proportions. New research has shown that every ten minutes someone claiming to the from the future sent back to save...
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    NEWS Endless Ebola Epidemic? That's The 'Risk We Face Now,' CDC Says

    Speed. That's key to ending the Ebola epidemic, says the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Link Removed is visiting West Africa this week to figure out how to reduce the time it takes to find new Ebola cases and isolate them. Otherwise, Ebola could become a...
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    NEWS They survived Ebola only to become social outcasts

    MONROVIA, Liberia — Landlords won't rent to them. Employers won't hire them. Taxi drivers won't give them a lift. Barber shops refuse to cut their hair without gloves. They are Ebola survivors. In one place where they are desperately needed as workers, Ebola treatment clinics, many survivors...
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    NEWS Exorcising the ghostly fever

    THE first time Jonah Kieh heard about Ebola was last spring, when a friend warned him of a “wickedness” spread by ghosts, turning victims feverish and then killing them. Mr Kieh was visiting his extended family near Takpoima, in the forest of Lofa-Mano national park in Liberia, to sell hair...
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    NEWS Ebola crisis: Struggling to change behaviour in Sierra Leone

    For weeks it has been the same here in Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown. Every day the Ebola burial teams - now well organised and promptly dispatched - collect about 60 bodies from around the city and its crowded suburbs. Some days it is 50, sometimes as many as 80. About 20% of those bodies...
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    NEWS Ebola growing in Sierra Leone, data shows

    While infections in Guinea and Liberia have leveled off or decreased, Sierra Leone has logged an increase of 400 to 500 new cases in each of the last several weeks, according to the World Health Organization. Over the last several weeks, Sierra Leone has become the West African nation where the...
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    NEWS Ebola Death Toll up, Sierra Leone Needs More Beds

    Ebola has sickened more than 16,000 people of whom nearly 7,000 have died, according to figures released by the Link Removed Friday. Sierra Leone is now bearing the brunt of the 8-month-old outbreak. In the other hard-hit countries, Liberia and Guinea, WHO says infection rates are stabilizing or...
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    NEWS How world’s worst Ebola outbreak began with one boy’s deathBy Nassos Stylianou

    Emile Ouamouno was just two years old and living in the remote Guinean village of Meliandou when he began suffering from a fever, headache and bloody diarrhoea. In December 2013, despite his family's best efforts, the young boy died - followed within days by his three-year-old sister Philomene...
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    NEWS Ebola outbreak: Sierra Leone workers dump bodies in Kenema

    Burial workers in the Sierra Leonean city of Kenema have dumped bodies in public in protest at non-payment of allowances for handling Ebola victims. The workers, who went on strike over the issue, left 15 bodies abandoned at the city's main hospital. One of the bodies was reportedly left by the...
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    NEWS We Don't Actually Know How Many Ebola Cases There Are

    November 24, 2014 We know the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is really bad. But exactly how bad remains largely a mystery. There have been 15,351 reported Ebola cases and 5,459 reported deaths, according to the most recent estimates released by the World Health Organization on Nov. 21. The vast...
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    NEWS Ebola shuts down signs of normal life in Sierra Leone

    So, the number of people who have known to have died of Ebola in the current outbreak in west Africa has passed 5,000. But what does that mean for the affected communities? I briefly visited Sierra Leone, one of the three most affected countries along with Liberia and Guinea, this week. One...
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    VIDEO Lara Logan shoots story on Ebola in Liberia, forgets to interview Africans, gets 'self-quarantined'

    CBS News reporter Lara Logan made waves after going to Liberia to film a story on the Ebola epidemic but not interviewing a single Liberian, who were ignored for American experts. Despite not contacting any Ebola patients, Logan and her crew "self-quarantined" themselves in a luxury hotel in...
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    VIDEO "My people are dying" in the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone

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    NEWS Thousands break Ebola quarantine in Sierra Leone to find food

    DAKAR, Senegal: Thousands of people in Sierra Leone are being forced to violate Ebola quarantines to find food because deliveries are not reaching them, aid agencies said. Large swaths of the West African country have been sealed off to prevent the spread of Ebola, and within those areas many...