
  1. SATIRE Blind or Impartial Justice

  2. VIDEO Warren: Puerto Ricans have been disrespected

  3. VIDEO British lawmaker: Trump retweeted group equal to KKK

  4. VIDEO Hypocrite Ivanka Trump Wants To End Obama Rule On Gender Pay Equality

  5. Boycott Firefox

    I know this may a sort of political post here and I know such discussions are discouraged but hear me out. Recently Mozilla has gotten a new CEO that is against gay rights and as an advocate for gay rights this is not acceptable. In protest I removed all mozilla products on my computer as it has...
  6. Jesus and the Democrat

    hope you get a smile out of this one. (I don't care what party you like, this one's funny!!) A Republican, in a wheelchair, entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. The Republican looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that...