error 651

  1. M

    Windows 7 Getting Error 651 when connecting new device to Windows 7

    When I try to connect a new device (Alcatel OneTouch Y580) to my computer I get Error message 651. I know the device is OK as it connects to my tablet. Can anyone adviose please. Mike
  2. N

    Windows 7 How to reset "Unidentified network" to home?

    Hello everyone I'm having frustrating time here. So I am trying to connect to the internet using a Local Area Connection via an Ethernet cord, however when I plugged that in and try to connect I get an error saying "Error 651: The model (or other connecting device) has reported an error." When...
  3. I

    Windows 7 w7 vs. new modem

    Hi y'all. I recently switched from Bell DSL internet to Teksavvy cable service. No network connection/no internet service would function on my computer. A Roger's Cable tech rep came to my apartment. His Windows XP laptop worked fine using my ethernet cable connection, which would not function...
  4. A

    Windows 7 Internet connection problems - quick help needed

    Okay, not even sure where to start. Moving from Australian providers Optus to Telstra based Exetel. The brand new TP-Link 8817 modem is connected to the phone line (with the filter on), the computer via ethernet and the power source. Four lights on the modem are lit (power, internet, lan...
  5. W

    Windows 7 connection problems in BSNL Broadband in windows 7 in India

    I have UT-STAR Type 2 Single Port wireless (WA3002-g1) modem and windows 7 RC with BSNL (India) home 500c plan. My problem is that when the computer wakes up after hybernation or sleep bsnl connection I have created fails to connect to the net with the message: Connecting through WAN...