event manager

  1. Windows 7 Event manager

    How to check a particular application in event manager
  2. Windows 7 Warning Message 3036

    Hello people, in the Eventmanager of Windows 7 I have the Warning message 3036 with following message: "The URL was already processed during this update. If you received this message while processing alerts then the alerts are redundant or else Modify should be used instead of Add.��(HRESULT ...
  3. P

    Windows Server Monitoring

    I hope I don't come across as horibly spammy on my third post here but I would like to share some info on a project that I've been working on. I know when it comes to free monitoring solutions we're all basically stuck with Nagios or some sort of Linux based product that is typically ugly and...
  4. P

    Windows 10 Win 10 Freezing after startup

    I'm having the exact same issue as original poster. Cold boot and on desktop. Usually 5-10 min in I'll lockup and freeze. Requires restart. From then on I have no more issues the rest of the day or night, even when playing high demand games. If I shut down or sleep it's hit or miss if it will...
  5. Windows 8 Event ID 16385 and Mouse Freeze-up

    Hi, I am having a strange problem on Windows 8 as of late. Just in the middle of work the mouse pointer freezes in its tracks and there is nothing doing, but to restart. And then all goes on well as if nothing' happened. Today, I had the same problem, but this time the the mouse seems to revive...
  6. S

    Windows 7 Fixing Blue Screen Crashes on Alienware Area51: Error 0x0000124 Solutions

    hi all i own a alienware area51 2.93ghz intel core 2 extreme x6800 any way over the last 3/4 days pc been crashing random blue screen todays being 0x0000124 it will not do the memory dump in the blue screen it will just freeze on it next time the pc boots up it is very slow and have to reboot to...
  7. Windows 7 BSOD On Wake Up (ASUS Sabretooth)

    Hi Folks, I wonder if you can help? I recently have setup my custom build machine (SPEC HERE: Image 2012-03-19 at 9.51.01 AM.png - Using 1TB HDs in RAID0 and have a 1TB IDE attached too.) and I'm having an issue with it as it BSODs on wakeup from sleep. Event Manager shows this: - System...