
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Careless Selfies Expose Russian Yacht Owners | Does Sen. Grassley Host Sex Parties?

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO This is what happens when you touch a TOXIC metal

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Hasn't Been Tested For Coronavirus Despite Possible Exposure, And Refuses To Take Precautio…

    :usa: :rolleyes:
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO CDC Ebola: Lab error may have exposed Atlanta technician to Ebola

    :eek: :shocked:
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Ebola crisis: 'Many exposed' to infected Mali girl

  6. News

    MS13-017 - Important : Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2799494

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.0 (February 12, 2013) Bulletin published. Summary: This security update resolves three privately reported vulnerabilities in all supported releases of Microsoft Windows. The vulnerabilities could allow elevation of privilege if...
  7. reghakr

    Two men accused of fondling each other at Kmart

    (Updated at 7:40 a.m. Friday) OCALA - David Henman, 46, who was wanted on the charge of exposure of sexual organs, turned himself in at 8:50 p.m. Thursday at the Marion County Jail. Read Full Story: Link Removed
  8. reghakr

    26,000 sex website passwords exposed by LulzSec

    The notorious LulzSec hacking group has published login passwords for almost 26,000 users of an x-rated porn website Read Full Story: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2011/06/12/26000-sex-website-usernames-and-passwords-exposed-by-lulzsec/
  9. whoosh

    Excessive radiation risks for Fukushima workers

    TEPCO claim that two workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant may have exceeded the government’s radiation exposure limit, adding to the health concerns of those working to stabilise the facility. The government and TEPCO have come under fire for not disclosing enough information about...
  10. whoosh

    Nuclear plant workers suffer internal radiation exposure after visiting Fukushima

    The government has discovered thousands of cases of workers at nuclear power plants outside Fukushima Prefecture suffering from internal exposure to radiation after they visited the prefecture, the head of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. Most of the workers who had internal...
  11. whoosh

    Japanese Goverment raises acceptable radiation levels for children

    On April 19th, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) notified the Board of Education and related institutions in Fukushima Prefecture the level of 20 milli-sievert per year (mSv/y) as a Radiation Safety Standard for schools in Fukushima Prefecture. This is the...
  12. whoosh

    Q&A: Health effects of radiation exposure

    Link Removed Concern remains over the potential effect on human health from radiation leaks at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. A 20km (12 mile) evacuation zone affecting about 70,000 people has been imposed around the plant. Residents living within 30km (18 miles) have been advised...
  13. whoosh

    Jimmy Carter and Fukushima

    THREE weeks after Japan's earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima nuclear power plant, spewing radiation as far as Iceland, clean-up crews have been working around the clock to bring the reactor under control and contain the leakage. Their life is a nightmare. "Crying is useless," wrote...
  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Deadly nuclear levels detected

    RADIATION levels that can prove fatal were detected outside reactor buildings at Japan’s Fukushima No.1 plant for the first time, complicating efforts to contain the worst disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. Water in an underground trench outside the No.2 reactor had levels exceeding one sievert...
  15. cybercore

    Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant alert level raised from 4 to 5

    Japan has reclassified the situation at the Fukushima nuclear plant, now placing it at five on the International Nuclear Events Scale. A level four event is classified by the International Atomic Energy Agency as being an accident with local consequences, while a level five incident is...
  16. cybercore

    ☢☠ What are the symptoms of radiation sickness? ☠☢

    How much radiation is dangerous? Radiation is measured using the unit sievert, which quantifies the amount of radiation absorbed by human tissues. One sievert is 1,000 millisieverts (mSv). In the U.S., the average person is exposed to about 6.2 millisieverts a year, mostly from background...
  17. whoosh

    VIDEO Alert Alert Japan Reactor Meltdown Imminent Fuel rods exposed!!!!!

    Worse case scenario at over forty year old reactors . The United States would be in the direct line for exposure to radiation born on the wind , if the reactor or reactors melt down !
  18. Mike

    VIDEO Forum Syndication and Windows 8 Rumors

    New syndication efforts are being made to make http://windows7forums.com and http://windows8forums.com readily available to the great majority of the Internet. Much of this information will hopefully include breaking information about Windows 8 in the future.. In an effort to...
  19. L

    I'm going upnorth Thursday and will be not avlalble

    I'm going UP North Thursday and will be not available for two weeks, maybe one week. I'm gonna try to take pictures of the stars and hopefully they will come out correctly. I bought a Canon Rebel XS and the adapters for my telescope Meade ETX LS ACF I already figured out how to take exposure as...
  20. L

    Windows 7 how can I take exposure for Canon EOS Rebel XS 1000 D

    how can I take exposure for Canon EOS Rebel XS 1000 D, sorry didn't know where to post this topic