fiber optic

  1. Windows 10 utility to monitor/log service interruptions?

    my internet-provider sometime loses connection … need a utility to monitor/log when service interruption occurs. need more info? keep reading. i always shut-down when not using computer … also, shut off surge-protector (includes vendor's modem). when i turn on...
  2. Windows 10 Killer Ethernet Controllers suck

    Stay away from the "Rivet Networks - Killer Gigabit Ethernet Controller" card driver. My cousin who lives with me has an Alienware gaming laptop. It was never able to transfer data as fast as my Realtek NIC. His has the Killer NIC. We have crazy fast fiber optic internet here but his could never...
  3. Windows 10 WIFI not as fast as it should be.

    We just switched to AT&T Fiber Optic internet. We opted for the 1,000 Mbps package since we have several 5g capable devices. In general I get good transfer speeds but the WIFI seems a little slow. Since I have the fast Ethernet this is what I get. I'm wicked happy with this. This is what my...
  4. Time Warner Cable can't call its network "fiber optic"

    The back-and-forth between AT&T and Verizon over the quality of their wireless services ended up making its way into some high-profile primetime commercials. But it's not the only fight that Verizon has been waging with competitors. The company also took issue with advertising run by Time...
  5. Google picks Santa Rosa's Sonic for high-profile project

    Google has selected local Internet provider as a partner for its high-profile project to deliver ultra-fast broadband services to a select few homes in the South will provide customer service and perform on-site installations for the fiber optic broadband network...
  6. Windows Vista Goggle Plans To Build Fiber Optic Internet Access For Nominated Community Or Communities

    March 26, 2010 Goggle builds "Ultra - High - Speed Fiber Networks-------In some places in the U.S. Goggle production manager James Kelly said in an official bog post today "The response has far exceeded Goggles expectations and reinforces the main thrust behind the initiative. If one message...