file analysis

  1. R

    Windows 7 Hidden files clogging HD

    Recently noticed my C: drive had almost maxed out (47 GB free of 457 GB). Knowing this wasn't right I did a quick total of all the files which came out at about 250 GB. I then went back and carefully checked each folder and file and still came up with 250GB. Then I downloaded an analytical...
  2. D

    Suspicious file discovered in System Volume Information drive.

    Hello, I was conducting a deleted file recovery using EaseUS Data Partition Recovery. I came across a file labeled "MountPointManagerRemoteDatabase.MountPointManagerRemoteDatabase" The file shows up as 0 KB when I tried to submit it to Microsoft for malware analysis. So, the system Microsoft...
  3. K

    Windows 7 conhost.exe sc.exe

    Hello Is it normal for a windows to run this two files at/after boot (always delayed) for time to time and at specific time always 1:00 AM (conhost) or is some kinda virus ?? I'm using win 7 ultimate x64 Thanks for help
  4. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 64 bit BSOD Problem. Please Help!

    Hello, I have the issue from yesterday and couldn't find a way to solve it yet. I have some dump files but I don't know how to analyze them. Hopefully someone can tell me what I need to do to fix this problem. I couldn't attach the files, some unknown error occurred, so I uploaded them with...
  5. P

    Windows 7 Getting random BSOD it started on march 10, 2014

    Hello, I saw the youtube video on how to submit a ticket and dump file for review. I tried to install windbg but it failed every time. Could someone take a look at these dump files and tell me what is causing the crashes? I was basically surfing the web, then suddenly a BSOD happens. Here...
  6. M

    Windows 7 freezing

    I have been having freezing issues with wid7. I have run memtest and chkdsk and found no problems. The issue was really bad last week. after doing a few things i read about pertaining to services loaded it has gotten better. At least i can boot into win now. I may freeze if I download stuff ...
  7. J

    Windows 7 Upexpected BSOD results in Crash Dump files

    Hey guys, I recently recieved got BSOD. This as happened before but it seems to happen like every week now. I have a crash dump file that appear in c:\windows\minidump folder. I am uploading it here, for those who may wish to reveiw it. However, I cannot specify what the cuase of this...
  8. W

    Windows 7 BSOD from Crash Dump

    Hello Everyone, I have a file that I am attaching. It cam from MiniDump folder. I have had several BSOD in the past. reloade windows to no advail. Please advise to what the file says is my problem Thanks:)
  9. weetoots

    Windows 7 BSOD and Dump files

    I need help, please. I am getting BSOD's and mention of dump files. I found the dump files but can't read them. Do I need a special decoder ring? I have attached one of the files, hoping someone can read it and tell me what the problem is. Or teach me where and how to easily read a .dmp...