file changes

  1. Windows 7 Activating a program when files in a folder change?

    I would like to watch a certain folder and run a program ASAP when it receives any new files. It would seem to me that a service is the logical alert mechanism, but there doesn't seem to be an option in creating a service to trigger a program on that event. The program triggered can most...
  2. I

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Backup

    Can anyone tell me for sure, with Windows 10 Backup, if I set it to copy a folder (or single files) each night, if nothing has changed in that folder (or file) does Backup still copy it? I want to be sure that copies to a cloud server are minimized. Edit: Also, if a single file in a folder has...
  3. Windows 10 Capturing file changes

    Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to capture live changes of a standard text file without closing the document and re-opening it using a 3rd party program etc. I am trying to capture output from an executable (that's not mine), but I know that it outputs to a standard text file that I am...
  4. P

    Windows 7 save as

    Hello Win 7 x64 With 2 Win 7 machines I am on a homegroup and am sharing files. problem- when I make a chage in my laptop that I want to take effect in the pc, I am having trouble with the save as function. I want to use the laptop to change an existing file in the pc Why can I not just...
  5. B

    Windows 7 Weird Windows 7 Problem please help!

    Ok, Problem: Windows explorer does not seem to update changes I've made to a file. eg. image 1 show the folder viewed through a program and image 2 is viewed though windows explorer. Make sense? view images attached. My pc spec: If it matters Window 7 ultimate 64-bit Celeron(R)dual core...