
  1. andyswarbs

    Windows 8 Wrong filenames

    Hi I have a folder with around 40,000 jpg images, family photos etc. I spend my spare time renaming the images, so for instance an original photo named P01234567 might become P01234567-andy-les-jane, thus showing the names of people actually in the photo. This is great since I can then search...
  2. P

    Windows 7 How to convert odd filenames into cyrillic/russian filenames?

    I have got a *.zip file which contains some files with original filenames in cyrillic/russian font/letters. However when I look at them in WinExplorer on an english Win7 then the filenames appear very odd, something like: üá½áíá¼á ìáñ¿´.txt How can I convert them into cyrillic/russian...
  3. fjgold

    Windows 7 Copy filenames and full filepaths

    Discovered this neat tool that allows the user to copy a file name to the clipboard with a right click menu item. Clicking shift at the same time will also copy the full path. Great if you need to enter the full path to a file in a form etc. Copy filenames to the Windows clipboard with...
  4. W

    Windows 7 Search files with metachars in filename (ex: "+")

    Greetings! I just upgraded from WinXP to Windows 7. I have a folder with a lot of files that have either plus or minus/dashes ("-") in the file name, sometimes more than one. For example, some filenames might be: Matterhorn +++.wmv Space Mountain ++-.avi Star Tours +.mp3 Star Tours (second...
  5. W

    Windows 7 Greetings! I just upgraded from WinXP to Windows 7. I have a folder with a lot of files that have e

    Greetings! I just upgraded from WinXP to Windows 7. I have a folder with a lot of files that have either plus or minus/dashes ("-") in the file name, sometimes more than one. For example, some filenames might be: Matterhorn +++.wmv Space Mountain ++-.avi Star Tours +.mp3 Star Tours (second...
  6. M

    Windows 7 Search (explorer) for operator character?

    Hi, How would one go about searching for filenames starting with the '-' character? e.g. -something.ext i can search for image files created on a wednesday by left handed, pleasant smelling, polish plumbers whos fathers were members of the communist party and whos names were Mary..... but...
  7. D

    Windows 7 Searching for files that have brackets in the filenames

    How does one search within a folder for files that include a "[" in their filename? For instance, when I want to search for all files that have "[a" in the filename, Windows 7 search ignores the bracket and instead returns all filenames that contain a word that begins with "A" instead. This has...