font settings

  1. P

    Windows 7 Times New Roman Missing

    Hi everyone. This is somewhat difficult to explain, but I'll try. A few weeks ago, I noticed that fonts looked different in Office and using Chrome. My bank website's font is normally Times New Roman but randomly was using a more rounded, funny looking font. When I open a document in Word...
  2. R

    Windows 7 Problems with visual distortion on all games and some sites after installing W7 over XP

    Hi, I havehad Windows XP for many years (I am not a techy). I cannot afford a new computer right now and my current Dell Computer(10 years old) had reached it's max storage and would not even boot up except in safe mode. My brother was helping me remotely to try and fix it and he ended up...
  3. S

    Windows 7 How the HECK do I get Outlook2003 to view HTML email in Arial? (And not Times New Roman)

    Hi How do I get Outlook2003 to display emails (when viewing not editing) in Arial and not in Times New Roman? I have tried *everything* !! And am getting DESPERATE. I have tried setting internet explorer 8 (I tried MSIE 9 too out of desperation but have now uninstalled it) MSIE8 > Tools >...
  4. P

    Windows 7 Unicode Characters Failing to Display Properly (Font Settings May Be Repeatedly Corrupted Upon Resta

    For some reason Windows 7 (Home Premium, 64-bit) has recently stopped displaying Unicode characters correctly. I know its a Windows issue, not specific to a certain program, because the problem appears on Asian characters and symbols like the stars in my song ratings across various programs like...
  5. D

    Windows 7 Font issue in Windows 7

    Hi there, I am newbie here, nice to meet you all. I have font issue in my windows 7. For example, when I opened some software like Itunes and Youtube Downloader, some fonts in both software would appear in "Courier New" which they are supposed is "Lucida" fonts. I'm not sure whether this is...
  6. Windows 7 Blurry Text after installing Windows 7

    It seems that some people, including myself, are having problems with blurry text after installing Windows 7. If you Google "blurry text and Windows 7" you will come up with many posts on various forums and websites. There are many suggestions, most obvious, such as updating videocard and...
  7. G

    Windows 7 localle font in Windows 7

    Hi. I just installed Windows 7. I live in Israel and I use English as my display language. However, I do need to use Hebrew sometimes. The problem is that the font that Windows uses to display Hebrew in places like Notepad text or FireFox tabs is ugly. I wish to change this font but I can't seem...