Windows 7 Problems with visual distortion on all games and some sites after installing W7 over XP


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
I havehad Windows XP for many years (I am not a techy). I cannot afford a new computer right now and my current Dell Computer(10 years old) had reached it's max storage and would not even boot up except in safe mode. My brother was helping me remotely to try and fix it and he ended up wiping everything I had not been able to back up. He also installed W7 without asking me (he meant well). The main problems I am having are visual. All my games...both on and off line..are blurry and distorted. I am no longer able to play solitaire or MSN Texas Holdem because the visual distortion is so annoying it hurts my eyes and ruins the game for me. I tried to revert back to XP but the visual changes are apparently permanent. As I cannot purchase a new computer at this time, I need some help to see if I can adjust my visual settings. Also, while I have been able to find a font that works reasonably well with W7, somesites are still difficult to read as the font seems faded out.
If anyone has some suggestions that a non-techy could use, I would appreciate the help.


Hello and welcome to the forum.
So what is your status right now. Are you currently running XP or Windows 7? Which service pack?
In either case you will likely need to update your drivers given that you have reinstalled (possibly twice) a new operating system.
Go to Dell's support page, plug in your service tag number and see what they have in so far as drivers for whatever operating system you are currently running.
Pay particular attention to your Chipset, Video, Audio, LAN, etc., device manager may help to some extent in determining which drivers you may need but they may be generic Microsoft drivers and you may need the ones from Dell to support your actual hardware.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
So what is your status right now. Are you currently running XP or Windows 7? Which service pack?
In either case you will likely need to update your drivers given that you have reinstalled (possibly twice) a new operating system.
Go to Dell's support page, plug in your service tag number and see what they have in so far as drivers for whatever operating system you are currently running.
Pay particular attention to your Chipset, Video, Audio, LAN, etc., device manager may help to some extent in determining which drivers you may need but they may be generic Microsoft drivers and you may need the ones from Dell to support your actual hardware.
