forum issue

  1. Watched threads

    I see no one else posting on the subject, so it may be a problem only I have. But, for curiosity. I have a problem with stopping watching a thread. If I have previously been watching, for whatever reason - posting, observing....,I may decide to unsubscribe. problem is, if I peek in again at the...
  2. Windows 7 Can't copy and paste in this forum?

    Hi I posted about this a while back but I never got a response so I'm trying again. I can't copy and paste in this forum or the Windows 8 forum. I don't seem to see this anyplace else, other forums are working normally. If I wan't to put in a link or something I have to open a word document...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Strange Acess Problem

    Solved Strange Acess Problem This computer is dual boot Vista/Windows 7 64 bit. I've noticed that I can only log into this site when I'm on Windows 7. I can't log on in XP actual PC or with any of my virtual PC's. these are all on a home network. I don't run into this on any other forum...