forum updates

  1. End of May 2012 Forum Updates

    It has been a busy day at Windows 7 Forums ("") and Windows 8 Forums ("")! And a busy night! Internal Server Upgrades We have updated our central web server and database engine for better performance and security. This includes updates to PHP...
  2. M

    Spring Updates!

    Greetings forum members, Although a lot has gone since our last update, some of it may not be so noticeable, so here's a list of updates for you: Updated the Android mobile app for Windows 7 Forums repeatedly, and now at verion 1.2 with over 100 bug fixes and enhancements. Heavy...
  3. Post Mid-July Updates

    Good evening, Additional forum code changes have been implemented, including under-the-hood enhancements to the core forum software, as well as the first update to our content management portal system in some time (CMPS). We will be focusing on an upgraded Downloads section sub-system and the...