
  1. T

    Windows Vista webcam applications for vista?

    i just recently purchased a webcam but i hate the bloated software that comes with it. i want just a really simple/free program that records my videos. whats the best vista compatible program for this? or is there a program within vista which captures vids that i am unaware of. any advice...
  2. K

    Windows Vista Free Vista Game Icons

    Hey Guys, I recently created a site that has a bunch of vista 256x256 game icons Ive made. I couldn't stand the low quality ones that came with games. They are all free to download. I also accept requests for custom icons free of charge. The site is: Link Removed - Invalid URL Enjoy! -Kyle
  3. D

    Windows Vista Antivirus Software

    Hi, I installed Vista and I was wondering what kind of anti-virus software I need to install. What's the best over all, and if there's anything free? Sorry for the basic question.. I'm a happy Mac user so I'm new to Windows and AV.
  4. U

    Windows Vista Windows sidebar lovers

    If there are any readers who really do like that sidebar, then switch it off and download this (free) It has several improved functions and more "gadgets"