
  1. VIDEO A Thing About Me | A cover song I did for a friend

    This song flags up the difference between the light airy vocals of the author of this song and my sledghammer approach :p
  2. VIDEO Amazing Squirrel Fights off Crows - Protects Dead Friend's Body

  3. VIDEO Rent-a-Friend

  4. Sex and the Faction

    Let’s talk about that friend of yours; you know that one, everyone has one. I’m talking about that friend that meet their one and only on the internet. No matter if it was over a Massively Multiplayer Online game (such as World of Warcraft, Perfect World International or Diablo II) or some...
  5. VIDEO Cat and Dog on Friendly Terms

  6. VIDEO What is a True Friend?

  7. T

    Windows 7 Set up a network for someone somewhere else in the coutnry can connect to it

    I want to set up a network so my friend who lives about 30 minutes away from me can connect to it so we can play games together via a Network (The online option for the game doesnt work anymore). 1) Is this possible (we both use windows 7) 2) How would i go about doing this? Thanks Tom
  8. To Mitchel_A

    Hi Mitchel just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAVE A GREAT DAY To our great moderator and a good friend Mitchel! :partay: :D
  9. To sonny

    :partay: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :partay: :partay: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU :partay: :partay: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CHESTER! :partay: :partay: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! :partay: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE ! :D
  10. Placebook? Hang-outs could predict new online friends

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  11. So, I was walking the dog...

    And the dog said to me (he's a clever dog!!) "'Bout time you got the pushbike n tent out son, disappeared into the hills". So that's the plan. Me. The dog. A packet of Bakers (dog food). Some bacon and a hip flask. So after tonight will most likely be unavailable for a week. Hope I don't drop...
  12. Harold Camping's 'Rapture' prediction ends in tragedy; teen believed dead

    COMSTOCK TOWNSHIP, Michigan (Isabelle Zehnder reporting) -- A group of Michigan teens celebrating that Harold Camping’s “Rapture” prediction was wrong jumped off a bridge late Saturday afternoon; 17-year-old Anthony Thompson was caught in the current, is missing, and is presumed to have drowned...
  13. A

    Internet has Changed Human Behavior in Socializing

    The latest research that has been done by Cystic Fibrosis Trust stated that the active media social users have two times friends in cyberspace than in the real world. Nowadays, people tend to be more open minded, honest, and confident if they communicate with their virtual friends. Helen...
  14. [61] You must get a job to get a new pen ✄ ✂

    man who had his penis chopped off by his best friend Lyubomir while he was demonstrating his martial arts skills, is to help him get a new job - so he can pay for a new manhood. The painful incident happened at 61-year-old Mr Lozanov's flat just outside the city of Plovdiv, where the two...
  15. VIDEO Human Tetris Facebook Game Lets You Throw Friends Off Buildings

    Human Tetris anyone? Eastpak, the backpack company, has built a Facebook campaign around the concept -- with a violent twist. Eastpak isn't the first to envision Human Tetris. But the company's vision is unusual in that it involves people flinging themselves off a building and onto concrete...
  16. Meet Storm the lion who likes to sleeps in his owner's bed

    Feline sleepy? Andre Potgieter has a pet lion called Storm that likes to cuddle up to him in bed in his South Africa home. Luckily, animal lover Andre Potgieter has nothing to fear from this particular 160kg (25st) predator as the two have been best friends for the past four years. The...
  17. VIDEO Goose Makes a Deer Friend at a Buffalo Cemetery

    An unusual springtime friendship between a deer and a nesting goose appears to have blossomed inside a Buffalo cemetery. For the past week or so, the deer has been standing near an urn where the goose has taken up residence, positioning itself between the urn and any passing car or foot traffic...
  18. Man left red-faced after rude email about ex forwarded across country

    A property surveyor inadvertently copied his ex into his conversation with a male friend – after he had referred to her as a ‘******* ****’. Now the exchange, which took place last Wednesday, has been passed to office inboxes across the country. The surveyor meant to send his...
  19. Bird befriends schoolboy – and keeps landing on his head

    A jackdaw bird has become a real-life Kes after befriending schoolboy Emmanuel Adams while he walked to school - and has now moved into the boy's home. The jackdaw began landing on the head of Emmanuel Adams as he walked to school, and now comes with him into his home, perching on the...
  20. Man sets sail on ice sheet with only vodka bottle for company

    Drunk Michal Kawolski was rescued by astonished coastguards after floating out to sea on a sheet of ice while still clasping a bottle of vodka. The 23-year-old was spotted by coastguards as he floated past them off the coast of Gdansk, Poland. Mr Kawolski had been drinking with friends...