
  1. J

    Windows 7 Windows backup fails error code 0x80070001. What is a reparse point???

    Hello, I've been trying to to run windows backup a couple of times and I always get the error code 0x8007001. Consulting microsofts support pages did'nt help much. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Backup issues Issue 1: Error code 0x80070001 If the reparse point points...
  2. J

    Windows 7 Need Help with Asus VX2S Drivers on Windows 7 Ultimate

    I have Asus VX2S which according to their support, there is no support for Windows 7, only for Vista. After installing Windows 7 Ultimate there are still missin driver for "other unity" - PCI system, manufactory:unknown, PCI-buss 9, function 2 and 3, - PCI-menory, PCI-buss 8, unit 0, function 0...
  3. H

    Windows 7 Resizing two screens on the wide screen monitor?

    I use a wide screen monitor as most of you do. The monitor has enough space to accomodate two screens (files). Is there easy way to resize two or three screens automatically when I open two or three files together? I hope that Windows 7 has such a hidden function.
  4. S

    Windows 7 What have they done with the search for files containing text?

    Windows 7 Professional How do you find files containing certain words? I can't believe MS would downgrade the search function, but I can't find it anywhere.:( Stan Hilliard
  5. Windows 7 Search Features

    I do not see a search function for this forum, is there one, or am I missing it? It would surely help as I notice a high amount of repeat problems. Most forums which I am a member have a search feature to cut down on repeat problems and solutions.
  6. C

    Windows 7 Problem with Display and Aeropeek

    Hi, I'm new to the forums and I wanted to address an issue with Aeropeek I've been having since Saturday, before I was able to move my mouse to the thumbnail and a preview would pop-out and stay there until I moved my mouse and now when I leave my mouse there it appears for a second then goes...
  7. S

    Windows 7 hotkeys A37V ASUS / ROCK 320 PEGASUS

    Since changing to windows 7 64 the wifi and performance butons at the top of the notebook (and the various fn keys). I have contacted rock and Asus for support, but was told there is no support for windows 7 because the system was designed for vista. has anyone got these keys working or know...
  8. S

    Windows Vista copy & paste function

    Hi im new hello every body I have updated dated to internet explorer 8, and have now lost my Copy & paste Function I was wondering if any one else has has had the same problem & what can i do to ressolve this issue ?? you help would be great many thanks
  9. C

    Windows 7 How to turn off the auto-fullscreen function for windows in windows 7?

    How do I turn off the auto-fullscreen function for windows in windows 7? Really like windows 7 except from some stuffs that I never get used to... Please if anyone knows where I could turn it off in any settings for windows 7. Tried to search for it on google but didn't found what I was...
  10. T

    Windows 7 Taskbar Auto-Hide Not Working - Troubleshooting Solutions

    :confused: The auto hide function of the taskbar stopped working several days ago. I notice when searching that this has been a problem back even to the XP days. Any suggestions. I have already tried deleting the prefetch directory with no success. Thanks
  11. B

    Windows 7 Defrag Win 7, how?

    Where is the defrag function in Win 7
  12. Windows 7 function keyboard button can not use ?

    i have a laptop HPDV 2000 , i tried to put fn + prt sc (For print screen of windows ) but it can not get image from clipboard normally i use it for old vista version it ok, other function button etc www help ? are ok, what is the problem ?
  13. E

    Windows Vista Vista ultimate's back-up function does not work

    The back-up function does not work anymore since I replaced my Asrock NF5 mobo by a MSI K9N2SLI-platinum. If I start backing up either files or full system it looks for back-up devices, actually finds a suitable partition, but then a window pops up telling: Microsoft Windows Buck-up does not...
  14. Windows Vista Improving Vistas search function

    I thought I'd post this after someone asking about vistas search function: Link Removed
  15. H

    Windows Vista How to Add History to Windows PowerShell

    Ever wish you had history like in unix with .bash_history? Here is some code that you can put in your profile file that defines a function BYE which saves off your sessions history into a History.CSV file in your home directory and then adds that to your history when you startup the next...