
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO I'm Geeky and I know it ( LMFAO - Sexy and I Know it PARODY )

    :razz: :up: :rofl:
  2. Trouble

    Windows 8 Super Geeky

    For those of us with extra time on our hands and who like to know a little bit more than the average bear about what might be going on behind the scene and under the hood, I found a link to a PDF file that some may find handy. Starting on about page 21 the document provides some information...
  3. loathe

    Windows 7 NumLocker

    Check this out. A small application that runs in the background lets you disable caps, num and scroll lock keys and more. Link Removed If you never want to use the Caps Lock key again, you have plenty of other options: You can disable or remap any key in Windows, use TabsLock to make it...