
  1. April 2014 Website Changes and Updates

    We are pleased to announce additional updates to the website this month: April 8, 2014: PHP Version 5.5.11 April 8, 2014: Forum software update (stability/maintenance release) Our forum software has been updated today with an improved stability and maintenance release: Added tool to test...
  2. New Feature: How to apply Google Authorship to your posts

    Google recognizes the authorship of Google+ members on their search engine. In order to accomplish this, we have made it possible to enter the required information necessary, if you so choose, for your Google+ information to appear on the Google search engine whenever you author a message. Here...
  3. Changelog for 9/2013

    Here's a place to keep track of on-going forum changes in September 2013 Check out the Link Removed PHP has been updated Ability to add Google+ profile information. More information here.
  4. M

    Happy Holidays from us at!

    Hello everyone, It's that time of year again, time to reflect on what we've accomplished throughout the entire year, set new goals for the next and appreciate what we have. Of course for the website, this is just a December update. As you've probably noticed, the winter theme has made a return...
  5. Google+

    Here are invite links to Google+. Only 108 remain at the time of this posting, so if you want to try Google's Social Network go ahead and give it a try. We tried to post the same link on Facebook and...
  6. Facebook still unpopular with US consumers, survey finds

    Link Removed - Invalid URL
  7. William Shatner Knocked Off of Google+ for Violating Terms

    Though it seems to be up and running now, celebrity William Shatner had his Google+ profile removed temporarily Read Full Story: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  8. All Google Profiles will be public, private profiles deleted on July 31st

    If you're using the Google+ social networking, you must change your profile to public. Your name and gender are the only items displayed. Read Full Story: All Google Profiles will be public, private profiles deleted on July 31st | ZDNet