
  1. Tippe

    What System Security Do You Use On Your Windows/Mac/Linux?

    Hello Everyone. My security goes like this: Bitdefender Total Security+Voodoo-Shield+Simple Windows Hardening. Second opinion malware scanners: Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool+Norton Power Eraser+Emsisoft Emergency Kit+Malwarebytes Free+HitmanPro(paid) & Eset Online Scanner. How do you secure your...
  2. M

    Windows 10 Virtual box (rc=-5640) Error

    Dear All, I taken latest windows 10 [1709] 64 bit VS 5.2 September 2018 (i5-8400 2.80 GHz 2.81 GHz) m/c and installed Oracle VirtualBox-5.2.22 Oracle Virtual m/c. when I create virtual Linux Ubunto 64 bit its created successfully but issue comes when I start this I am getting following...
  3. Neemobeer

    Windows Security Hardening (IP Source Routing)

    Another reg file to disable IP source routing for IPv4 and IPv6. This is a moderate level windows vulnerability.
  4. Neemobeer

    Windows Security Hardening (SCHANNEL)

    I created this reg file to disable SSLv2, v3 and TLS 1.0 as well as disabling weak encryption cipher suites.
  5. News

    Securing and Hardening Network Device Enrollment Service for Microsoft Intune and System...

    This whitepaper describes best practices for securing and hardening NDES to enable the deployment of certificates with Microsoft Intune and System Center Configuration Manager Link Removed
  6. News

    MS15-014 - Important: Vulnerability in Group Policy Could Allow Security Feature Bypass...

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.0 (February 10, 2015): V1.0 (February 10, 2015): Bulletin published. Summary: Bulletin published. Continue reading...
  7. News

    Security Advisory 2718704: Collision attack details, WU update rollout

    Today, as a part of our continuing phased mitigation strategy recently discussed, we have initiated the additional hardening of Windows Update. We’ve also provided more information about the MD5 hash-collision attacks used by the Flame malware in the SRD blog. This information should help...
  8. News

    Security Advisory 2718704: Update to Phased Mitigation Strategy

    Hello, At Microsoft, our commitment is to help ensure customer trust in their computing experience. That was the impetus for Trustworthy Computing, and central to that is the priority we place on taking the necessary actions to help protect our customers. Yesterday, we issued Security Advisory...
  9. stueycaster

    Windows 7 EMET - Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, How should it be set up?

    I guess the first question I should ask is do the experts here at this forum think this thing is worthwhile. It looks like this might be the way of hardening my operating system that I have been thinking I'd like to have. It also looks like it could hinder the operation of a computer. I've...