health risks

  1. NEWS Recalled eye drops linked to death, blindness and eyeball removals in US

    Eye drops contaminated with a drug-resistant bacteria may have caused death, blindness and eyeball removals in the US, according to officials. Some 68 patients in 16 states, spanning from New York and Washington to Texas and Florida, have been identified with a rare strain of pseudomonas...
  2. VIDEO Russian soldiers die after eating poisoned Ukrainian pies

  3. VIDEO Toxic Heavy Metals Found In Dangerous Levels In Popular Baby Foods

  4. VIDEO Environmental Crisis Unfolding in Houston as Oil & Chemical Industry Spew Toxic Pollutants into Air

  5. VIDEO LA Water More Dangerous Than Flint

  6. NEWS Sierra Leone to use scare-tactics campaign in Freetown to curb Ebola

    The president of Sierra Leone will launch a massive campaign on Wednesday to curb the spread of Ebola in the western areas of the capital Freetown, which will aim to scare people into changing their behaviour. The “western area surge” will use the sort of tactics that worked in the UK to...
  7. Razor Blade Disposal

    When I was younger, and the places I lived were older, every medicine cabinet had a slot in the back of it to slip razor blades through neer to be seen again...unless someone did some remodeling and tore the wall down. Nowadays I end up collecting them in a little drawer, because I don't like...
  8. VIDEO The Reason Why People Are Turning Into Zombies Bath Salts (Legal Drug) | Not suitable for kids !

  9. Outrage as girls as young as SEVEN are given pole dancing lessons - and pictures are posted on gym's

    Parents and councillors have raised concerned for the safety of the girls after JLN Pole Fitness in Bolton, Greater Manchester, put the images online. Read Full Story: Pole dancing lessons: Pictures of girls aged 7 posted on gym's Facebook page | Mail Online
  10. VIDEO Daily life in Fukushima: 'It was like visiting another universe'

    Jan Beranek, who is with a team of Greenpeace activists investigating the fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, says Japanese are encouraged to return to their normal lives unaware of the dangers they face in the contaminated area. "I personally find it very disturbing, because on the one...
  11. Radiation levels fall in Fukushima seawater

    The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it has detected high levels of a radioactive substance that tends to accumulate in human bones. Tokyo Electric Power Company says it took soil samples on May 9th at 3 locations about 500 meters from the No.1 and No.2 reactors and...
  12. Nuclear plant workers suffer internal radiation exposure after visiting Fukushima

    The government has discovered thousands of cases of workers at nuclear power plants outside Fukushima Prefecture suffering from internal exposure to radiation after they visited the prefecture, the head of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. Most of the workers who had internal...
  13. Poisoning Mother Earth: America's Gulf and Fukushima

    As best we know it, the shocking truth is that preventable disasters keep proliferating life destroying contamination globally. Yet news about them is suppressed, so few people everywhere are unaware how calamitously they're being harmed. As a result, distinguished environmental researcher...
  14. Radiated Vegetables ? Dont worry just wash them !

    Expert Answer: According to former University of Tokushima professor Jun Sekizawa, much of the radioactive material found on spinach can be eliminated by washing and boiling it. As for milk, Sekizawa says, “drinking even the most contaminated [1,500 becquerels] several times is still less than...
  15. No Protection For Fukushima’s ‘Expendable’ Citizens Or Us

    residents of Japan have good cause to mistrust the media, TEPCO officials, and members of their government when it comes to assurances about radiation levels, plutonium dispersal, and the related health risks. Americans also have good cause to mistrust these same sort of assurances issued to...
  16. Spray paint addict happy to be caught in the act

    Spray paint addict Kelly Gibson has been caught by the police red handed and silver faced for solvent abuse. He was arrested at his home in Fort Wayne, Indiana after his wife Elizabeth made a call to the police following an argument. Gibson had been arrested for the same offence 47...
  17. Downed EPA Radiation site caused stir amid Fukushima monster cover-up

    The day after the Chernobyl nuclear crisis anniversary, amid what scientists call a monster government and industry cover-up of Fukushima's "off the scale" radiation impact on people in North America and beyond, when Link Removedwent down Tuesday, progressive websites reported it as news...
  18. America toxic radiation seeping into their food, water, skin, and lungs.

    While Americans are busy focusing on the most ridiculous forms of entertainment such as Dancing With The Stars, American Idol, and whatever mindless reality show currently keeps them glued to their couches, the entire country is in the process of being covered with a cloud of toxic radiation...
  19. VIDEO URGENT: Japan now admits Fukushima at 154 trillion Bq's/Day and West coast Radiation forecast

  20. Radioactive Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th

    Link Removed Radioactive Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th : Link Removed - Invalid URL