
  1. News

    HDInsight on Linux GA | Data Exposed

    In this week's episode of Data Exposed, Scott would like to thank Seth for filling in as host while Scott is out on a business trip. Seth does an outstanding job filling in and welcoming Adnan Ijaz to the studio to announce the GA of HDInsight on Linux. Adnan should be happy Seth was filling in...
  2. News

    The Reg.exe utility does not compress a registry key when the utility saves a registry key to a hive

  3. News

    The Reg.exe utility does not compress a registry key when the utility saves a registry key to a hive

  4. News

    The Reg.exe utility does not compress a registry key when the utility saves a registry key to a hive

  5. reghakr

    Windows 7 Recover backup registry files

    I'.m trying to recover the registry hive from a drive that crashed and load them into a program that you can edit the registry. Problem is, I forgot the location of these files. System.alt sounds familiar, but can't locate it. Any help?