
Extraordinary Robot
Jun 27, 2006
In this week's episode of Data Exposed, Scott would like to thank Seth for filling in as host while Scott is out on a business trip. Seth does an outstanding job filling in and welcoming Adnan Ijaz to the studio to announce the GA of HDInsight on Linux. Adnan should be happy Seth was filling in because Scott would have made him do the GA happy dance. :D

Adnan is a Senior Program Manager on the Big Data team and he and Seth begin by sharing the warm fuzzies about how much Microsoft loves Hadoop and Linux and how Microsoft is "all in" on Linux. For those new to the technology, Seth and Adnan spend a few minutes discussing Hadoop and HDInsight and their benefits.

From there, Adnan jumps into demo-mode, first showing how to create and configure an HDInsight cluster on Linux, and how to use some of the familiar on-premises tools, such as Hue, with your HDInsight cluster. Adnan then shows us how to SSH into the cluster using Secure Shell and Putty and run Hive queries. Awesome!

Adnan wraps up the show by showing us the Ambari dashboard, a one-stop shop for managing and monitoring your Linux HDInsight cluster, which is built in to the HDInsight cluster automatically. Adnan then shows the Hue tool, a web interface used to run Hive and Pig queries and get insight into your HDInsight cluster on Linux!

A great show full of great demos and information!

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