
  1. G

    Windows 7 Hourglass (round circle)

    When I boot up windows 7, an hour glass appears. But of late it takes longer and longer for the hour-glass to disappear. I understand that some function/app or otherwise is in the background, possibly loading. How can I find out what is running in the background that the system is trying...
  2. M

    Java eternal hourglass (sandbox)

    Hello, I have a Java application. Sometimes an egg timer (sandbox) appears and I can do nothing. But when I minimize the application and then maximize again, then it works. Has an idea?
  3. P

    Windows Vista Hourglass randomly pops up every 30 secs

    I just did a fresh re-install of windows vista on my computer and reinstalled the usual programs I use. Now, every 30 seconds or so, even if all programs are closed and computer is not doing anything, the hourglass symbol pops up next to the mouse and stays there for a few seconds. It's getting...