i5 4690k

  1. Windows 8 PC only boots every second time

    Hey guys, I'm having a weird issue here that I have no idea how to fix. Every time I go to turn on my pc the next day, it won't boot unless I switch it off first - but that's not the whole story. I once tried switching off the psu before turning it on (again, a day later) and it still wouldn't...
  2. B

    Windows 7 BSOD pci.sys? Not caused by CPU oc?

    I don't know how to fix it, I've been having this unknown device around for a long time. Specs: i5 4690k OCed to 4.4ghz good temps GTX 970 8gb gskill ram 520w Seasonic PSU Asuz z97-a dump files:
  3. Windows 8 BSOD while gaming at 4k

    only bsod when gaming at 4k on new titles (bf4 crysis 3) and even old titles (mass effect 3) running 780ti sli water cooled. i5 4690k, nothing is overclocked I did just swap my old mobo for a new one and didnt do a clean install of windows. (clean install is what is coming next) i will include...