indexing issues

  1. P

    Windows 7 Windows 7 search index and Outlook 2010 problem

    For the last 3 years I've been successfully copying all my data including Outlook.pst file from my Win 7 desktop to my XP laptop. The data is transferred from PC to laptop by Synctoy 2.1 which is really quick and easy and of course only adds, deletes or overwrites new or modified files. The...
  2. P

    Windows 7 .eml viewing problems in Windows 7 Live Mail

    I cannot add a .eml extension to Default Programs so I can associate a program to go with it. The .eml extension does show in the Indexing list, but not in the Default Programs list. Can someone tell me if it can be added to the Default Programs, and if so how can I do it and would I associate...
  3. Windows 7 adding files to index

    I am rapidly tiring of windows 7 search. I does seem to resemble Vista more and more and not for anything good. I have added .tps to the index, and now Windows 7 will find that file type when searching. Sort of... Thing is - Windows 7 won't recognize the size of these files - they show up as 0...