install problem

  1. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Key trouble

    Hello, I recently bought a brand new desktop PC and with it came a Window 7 key, which obviously was brand new. The hard drive in the PC was faulty, so I sent it back and used my old one from my old PC, I put the disc in with Windows 7 on it, but DID NOT put the key in, it let me use it for...
  2. D

    Windows 7 Bizarre Office install problem on Windows 7

    I'm trying to install Office 2010 on my Windows 7 PC but neither of my DVD drives can 'see' the program and they both eject the disk when I try to view the disks contents through windows explorer and ask me to insert a disk. Presuming there may be something wrong with the install disks I...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Installation problem

    Hey! Just started to install my Windows 7. Started good and all but when I came to the section where I should chose where I wanted to install my Windows 7 it stands that it couldnt find a system partition. Even though it stands that the partition I want to install it on is off the type SYSTEM...