
New Member
Jan 29, 2010
I'm trying to install Office 2010 on my Windows 7 PC but neither of my DVD drives can 'see' the program and they both eject the disk when I try to view the disks contents through windows explorer and ask me to insert a disk.

Presuming there may be something wrong with the install disks I tried them on another computer (laptop running XP) to check but it reads the disk fine and I can see the install files with no problem.

So far I've tried, without any success:
- re-booting, several times
- using the other two disks: one works fine which is just the Windows Communicator program install disk, but the other one also can't be read
- cleaning the disks - which were spotless to start with - plus I've had a really good look at them and there are no marks or damage to be seen anywhere
- using other program install disks on both my drives - which all work fine and I can see all the files on the disks

My internal DVD drive is a recently installed Samsung DVD writer and the other one is an Iomega external (USB) DVD writer (which has worked reliably for years), both of which can see ALL other disks whether they are movies, files or install programs, or anything else - and work flawlessly.

So, my PC refuses to read these Office install disks - but the disks themselves are fine and work on other computers and my drives can see ALL other disks. I'm completely baffled.

Anyone have any ideas? Could it be something in the operating system that is preventing the PC from reading these disks?

System is:
Intel Core2Duo E8400
Asus P5N-MX BIOS (Revision 0610)
Windows 7 Home Premium ver 6.1.7600 build 7600
Memory: 2Gb
DVD: Samsung TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C ATA drive
External DVD: Iomega DVDRW 8440E2D-B USB
Soundcard: Realtek (onboard)
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT 500Mb
HDD: C: 500Gb NTFS SATA II drive - 231Gb free space (main drive)
External HDD: I: FAT32 500 Gb USB - 46 Gb free space
HDD: K: 1000 Gb NTFS SATA II - 681 Gb free space
AntiVirus Prog: AVG Free v9

Try burning a copy of the disk on the machine which can read it or copy the entire contents to an external drive and run the install from there.
Try burning a copy of the disk on the machine which can read it or copy the entire contents to an external drive and run the install from there.

Where did you get your discs? As far as I know, Office 2010 in only on one disc, although my hard copy has not yet arrived. But since you can download an .iso file, I will assume it only takes one disc.

Also as far as I know, you can use an .exe file to install or burn the .iso file as an image to a DVD/CD and install from there.

Did you have a version of Office 2010 already installed, or another version?
