intellectual property

  1. cybercore

    Samsung files lawsuits against Apple

    Link Removed due to 404 Error South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. said it is suing Apple Inc. for patent rights violations, only days after Apple sued Samsung for the same reason. Samsung is accusing Apple of violating its rights to 10 smartphone...
  2. cybercore

    Harlequin Attempts to Patent the Kiss

    Talk about lip service: Harlequin Enterprises, renowned publisher of pulp romance novels, has applied for a patent on the romantic kiss. The application, if granted, leaves open the possibility that we may one day have to pay a licensing fee to lock lips with the ones we covet. Don't start...
  3. X

    Windows 7 Should Microsoft Windows 7 be free of charge?

    Microsoft’s' newest operating system, Windows 7, has a new campaign out. The advertisements follow certain people around, and they end up showing how "I'm a PC and Windows 7 was my idea". Of course Microsoft's new operating system was someone else's idea. They haven't had an original idea in...
  4. reghakr

    Windows 7 Malwarebytes vs. IObit fiasco comes to a close

    Last month the interwebz was jolted byLink Removed due to 404 Error. Now, it seems, the fiasco has come to a Link Removed - Invalid URL: Some weeks ago we presented evidence demonstrating that the Chinese company IObit had stolen Malwarebytes' database and incorporated it into their software. In...
  5. whoosh

    Microsoft starts antipiracy initiatives in 70 countries

    Microsoft starts antipiracy initiatives in 70 countries - Microsoft has simultaneously launched education initiatives in more than 70 countries to help protect consumers and increase awareness of the risks of counterfeit software. Named Microsoft Consumer Action Day, the push...
  6. J

    Windows 7 Windows Media player Spyware

    Hi Guys Be careful in using W7 WMP. There's a little legal "nasty" in that it says " Usage will be sent to Microsoft" plus some discalimer saying that "Information is only collected for "Statistical Purposes". Whilst I don't believe in Microsoft "Conspoiracy" theories I just don't like the...