interface issue

  1. D

    Windows 7 error msg- 'no such interface supported'

    I uninstalled a couple of toolbars for Firefox the other day using the Uninstaller in Advanced System Care 5. I think it was the Power Clean utility which has caused the problem. Now I cant access any of my folders or shortcuts on my desktop or in the Start Menu (Control Panel, My Computer...
  2. L

    Windows 7 "Add a search filter" does nothing.

    I can't figure out how to search for a file that contains a particular string in Windows Explorer 9. (I have 9 because that's what was on it when I got my new computer. 8 was the best I could find in the dropdown.) What is supposed to happen when you click "Add a search filter"? Nothing...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Right click personalization and screen resolution problem

    Hello all I went to change my wallpaper the other day and when i right-click and press the personalization section i get an error message saying "doesn't support this interface" The same thing happens with the resolution problem section too But when i go to the control panel and click...
  4. M

    Windows 7 Start Button Invisible - but still works

    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Fairly often while using this OS on my new laptop, I notice that the Start button has become invisible. The taskbar is fine otherwise, and the button still works if you click the blank space where it used to be--it's just invisible. (I have the taskbar on the top...
  5. J

    Windows 7 Taskbar bug on 7100

    Just checking if anybody else has this. I normally put the taskbar at the top of my screen. This time i notice that after i have set it to the top, restart the system and the taskbar look weird. I've attached a picture cos i don't know how to describe it. There is an extra transparent layer...