intermittent problem

  1. M

    Windows 7 Intermittent problem, HP ProBook 6550b (Windows 7, 32 bit)

    Here is my dilemma: my computer intermittently will not start. I will push the power button, the lights come on on the base of the laptop, but the screen does not come on. I have attached an external LCD (via VGA cable) and it does not come on either (when it decides to malfunction). The fan...
  2. A

    Windows 8 Selective mouse response problem

    I have an odd intermittent problem where with a few programs, sometimes there are areas within the window which are unresponsive to right or left mouse clicks whether from the touchpad or bluetooth/wired mice. hovering over a particular spot brings up mouseovers etc, but clicking or scrolling...
  3. A

    Windows 7 Blank Screen After Boot

    Heay everyone, I am having an intermittent problem with Windows 7 Professional (x64) on both the machines I have a copy on. Occasionally I will boot up, the start up animation happens, then the Windows welcome screen and finally it will go black with a white cursor on which can be moved...
  4. F

    Windows Vista The Dreaded Error 10061

    My wife and I have separate e-mail accounts and we have an intermittant problem of this error message popping up when we log on to our e-mail. (The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket...