
  1. Radiated Vegetables ? Dont worry just wash them !

    Expert Answer: According to former University of Tokushima professor Jun Sekizawa, much of the radioactive material found on spinach can be eliminated by washing and boiling it. As for milk, Sekizawa says, “drinking even the most contaminated [1,500 becquerels] several times is still less than...
  2. Fukushima :Radioactive Readings Jump In Japan's Seabed !

    Levels of radioactive substances have jumped in the Pacific seabed off Japan to as much as 1,000 times the normal readings, authorities have announced. Seabed samples collected near the Fukushima nuclear power plant, crippled by a massive earthquake and tsunami in March, contained radioactive...
  3. The Truth : Japanese Goverment Bullshit People

    TOKYO — Japanese officials struggled through the day on Tuesday to explain why it had taken them a month to disclose large-scale releases of radioactive material in mid-March at a crippled nuclear power plant, as the government and an electric utility disagreed on the extent of continuing...
  4. No Need to take Potassium Iodine

    No need to take potassium iodine...well i can see why, it DOES NOT EFFECT cesium or xenon.... You might as well be taking vitamin c to prevent allergies, it is a waste of time and money.
  5. Why the Japanese are Lying about Fukushima

    Here’s a snippet from an interview about the Fukushima nuclear situation in Japan. It gives us some insight into why they are covering up the issues and the depth they are prepared to go to to maintain the lie that everything is going to plan. But what’s worrisome is that a nuclear reactor is...
  6. Excessive radioactive cesium found in fish sampled off Fukushima

    Radioactive cesium above the legal limit for consumption was detected Saturday in young sand lance caught off Fukushima Prefecture, as the prefecture took samples amid a voluntary ban on fishing there in the wake of the ongoing nuclear crisis. One of the four sample fish had a level of cesium of...
  7. Fukushima: A 'nuclear sacrifice zone'Posted: 08 Apr 2011 20:01

    Experts warn that the situation will take months to stabalise and a large area could remain uninhabitable [REUTERS] Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that was heavily damaged by the tsunami from the massive March 11 magnitude 9.0 earthquake continues to spread extremely high levels...
  8. Strontium Isotopes Detected in Moscow - Japan, Canada and U.S. Have Some Explaining To Do

    According to an article by Agence France Presse on April 1,"Radon, a company set up in Moscow to monitor radioactivity and dispose of radioactive waste in central Russia, has been detecting traces of iodine and strontium isotopes since last week, deputy director Oleg Polsky said." ["Moscow...
  9. VIDEO Fukushima Japan plutonium radiation and the Pacific Ocean

    Facts In Brief FISHERMEN AND SEAFOOD SUPPLIERS DELIVER APPROXIMATELY 300 SPECIES TO MARKET EACH YEAR, FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Tablets only protect us against Iodine 131, not against Cesium 134, 137, Plutonium, Uranium, and Strontium 90 radioactive particles. It’s not a surprise that the gov’ts...
  10. Japanese Fish Dangerously Contaminated By Fukushima

    With measurements of iodine 131 and the much worse cesium 134 isotopes detected at 7.5 and two million times past their “regulated levels” and contaminated water pouring into the Pacific Ocean, this was inevitable: the fish are contaminated too. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reports that...
  11. [FUKUSHIMA] Radioactive water leaks from crippled Japan plant

    Link Removed due to 404 Error As Japan's prime minister visited tsunami-ravaged coastal areas for the first time Saturday, frustrated evacuees complained that the government has been too focused on the nuclear crisis that followed the massive wave. Nearly every day some new problem at...
  12. [JAPAN] Up to 1,000 bodies left untouched within Fukushima no-go zone

    The International Atomic Energy Agency weighed in on the simmering nuclear crisis with alarming radiation data, but the government said Thursday it has no plans for now to expand the current evacuation zone. The international nuclear watchdog said Wednesday in Geneva it detected about 2...
  13. VIDEO Radioactivity 10,000 times the limit found from groundwater - 3 Fukushima Nuclear Reactors leaking

    Radiation in seawater at new high Radiation 4,385 times higher than the legal standard has been detected in seawater at a location 330 meters south of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Tokyo Electric Power Company says 180 becquerels per cubic centimeter of radioactive iodine-131...
  14. Crews 'facing 100-year battle' at Fukushima !

    nuclear expert has warned that it might be 100 years before melting fuel rods can be safely removed from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant. The warning came as levels of radioactive iodine flushed into the sea near the plant spiked to a new high and the Wall Street Journal said it had obtained...
  15. Radiation Spike Detected in Ocean Near Japanese Nuclear Plant !

    Link RemovedJapan's nuclear safety agency says radioactive iodine has been detected at more than 3,000 times the allowable level in the ocean near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. Officials said Wednesday that the water sample, with the highest levels yet recorded, was collected about 300...
  16. Radiation levels soar in Japan sea water !

    Radiation levels in sea water near Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant have reached more than 3,000 times the legal limit, officials said, as efforts continue to bring the country's nuclear crisis under control. Japan's nuclear safety agency said on Wednesday that water near the crippled...
  17. Fukushima radiation from Japan's stricken plant detected across UK

    Extremely low levels of radioactive iodine from the tsunami-hit Japanese nuclear plant have been detected in parts of the UK. A statement from the Health Protection Agency said the "minutest traces of iodine" were being seen in the UK, with low levels detected at monitoring stations in...
  18. ♨ Fire at fourth reactor: Is worse yet to come in the Fukushima nuclear disaster?

    Chernobyl, the infamous atomic power plant in northern Ukraine, is getting ready for an anniversary. It will be 25 years next month since Reactor No. 4 exploded, causing the worst nuclear disaster in human history. A huge section of Europe was covered in a carcinogenic haze after the April 1986...
  19. ☢☠ What are the symptoms of radiation sickness? ☠☢

    How much radiation is dangerous? Radiation is measured using the unit sievert, which quantifies the amount of radiation absorbed by human tissues. One sievert is 1,000 millisieverts (mSv). In the U.S., the average person is exposed to about 6.2 millisieverts a year, mostly from background...