ip blocking

  1. moorthyragav

    Windows 10 block specific dhcp server ip in windows 10

    In linux versions have option to block DHCP Server IP from offering the ip in dhclient.conf reject; What is the equivalent option in the windows 10 client dhcp configuration.
  2. P

    Windows 7 Port 137.

    Quite a bit. I have a problem here. I have disabled Net-Bios completely by following all methods below and disabled netbios in services. Link Removed I have blocked Windows Operating System [SYSTEM] from accessing the internet with my Comodo firewall. No need for it to access the net. I have...
  3. V

    Windows 7 Configuring a Firewalls Blocked Program's Exception List

    Sorry if this isn't the right forum, but i was wondering if anyone could help me configure my firewall settings. I want to block a program from allowing IP's from accessing my computer. The program is a virtual world, i want to block ALL IP's, apart from the ones i need to to connect to the...
  4. Highwayman

    Windows 7 Worried about Big Brother? Look here....

    Ok this isn't a new program its more just an updated one that many of us may have used for annoying all those big brother places looking over our shoulders over the years, NOTE: this is not a firewall, you'll still need one...what this does is filter and approve traffic flow from a constantly...
  5. U

    Windows Vista How to block thousands of IP addresses with Windows Firewall

    I want to set up an IP block from a bunch of blocklists for my Internet security. I can't do this, even with Windows Firewall with Advanced Security in Administrative Options. This is pissing me off. As far as I can tell, Windows Firewall requires you to put in an entry for each IP range and...