Relevant devices:
Killer e2200 NIC (I know, mistakes were made)
MSI Z87-G45 Motherboard (Ditto)
Current drivers are the up to date (15th Aug 2016) standard drivers found here - Link Removed
I used to use the Killer Suite, it was buggy, so I moved to the drivers-only version (this was when I...
Hello. I've been having problems for several weeks now with connecting to the Internet. This first started when I took a trip to another country and found that suddenly my netbook could not connect. I looked at a friend's settings and put the same for my netbook's Ipv4 settings.
Now, when I...
Starting yesterday afternoon I got this problem my lan connections I have 2 on my ASUS P6tv2 deluxe are coming up as unidentified Net work, I have run repair, I have turned of router and modem I have unistalled the adapters in device manager nothing works. It is weird when I check the IPCONFIG...