
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Harry and Paul - Clarkson Island

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Japan nuclear radiation crisis and Bikini Island

  3. M

    VIDEO Dead Island - New Zombie game for all you L4D fanatics!

    A long awaited title seems to be one step closer to release, though still is not dated. Dead island is a FPS that puts you on an island full of zombie. While it was announced at E3 in '06, it appears it will finally be coming out (likely sometime in late 2011/early 2012) Now video game...
  4. whoosh

    Portable latrine, Hovgaard Island, Antarctica

    It feels inappropriate to interrupt the unique and personal experience of sitting alone, looking out at the edge of Earth's last untouched wilderness, writes the world's greatest travelling toilet fan, Luke Barclay. Link Removed
  5. reghakr

    8 LOST Questions That They Really Need To Answer (But Probably Won’t)

    As any good LOSTie knows, the nigh-legendary show will be pulling up stakes and heading off into the sunset very soon. For 6 years it has kept us guessing at every twist and turn, eager to have questions answered, dreading the new questions, squealing like schoolgirls when we spot something...