iso images

  1. P

    ISO images bootable only in Legacy BIOS OR (!) UEFI ? Decision at ISO creation time or at storage on USB flash drive?

    As you known there are many sofwtare tools available which offer not only a setup.exe but an ISO to download. This ISO can either be burned on a CD/DVD or put onto an USB Flash drive. I am NOT talking about Win10 ISO images but other software like (examples): - Gparted GParted -- Live...
  2. D

    Creating ISO images

    Hello all I'm new to this so please bear with me and have a little patience. I'm trying to figure out how to make a bootable image of my C: drive with all the apps I have installed on it. I'm so tired of formatting and re-installing win 7 and my apps. So is it possible to make an ISO image of...
  3. S

    Windows 7 trying to restore win7 disk image stored on WD my passport drive

    Hi, I have a compac (HP) laptop (CQ61-41us notebook), running WIN7 home premium, 64 bit. Aside from the normal file backup via the western digital software, I have several windows 7 generated iso images of my laptop stored on my external WD drive. Using windows repair disk, my computer does not...
  4. Trouble

    Windows 8 Release Preview Here

    ISO images and key. You don't need to do anything special Windows 8 Release Preview ISO formats