
  1. whoosh

    ART Space Junk

  2. Marius Stromnoy

    Windows 7 Problem after running Adwcleaner.

    Good morning, day and evening. Yesterday I ran Adwcleaner in attempt to remove some junk that made my computer choppy ONLY when moving the mouse cursor. I do not know if the problem is resolved, because after running it, I can't access the internet on any applications beside from Internet...
  3. News

    Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8 will have user-friendly reinstall button

    So, how many of you can relate to this story? Your computer has been infected by a virus, or it’s just running really slow, or you accidentally deleted a system file, or maybe you bought the computer from someone else and it still has all the previous owner’s junk on it. If you wanted to Read...
  4. Z

    Windows 7 How can i make Windows Run Programs As Administrator always ?

    hi all there's something bother me, it's "Run As Administrator" i have many software, but most of them won't work properly unless i run as administrator like VideoGet it can put the videos on the desktop, or even can't download. and Your Uninstaller, can't remove junk and Registry left values...