
  1. Windows 8 is there a way to put the snap screen sortcut back in 8.1?

    It sometimes seems like I'm one of the few people that likes windows 8, anyway... In 8, I can snap the desktop screen to the right by pressing "Windows key" + "." or to the left with "Windows key" + "shift" + "." and this is a very handy sortcut but for some reason Microsoft has disabled this...
  2. S

    Windows 7 How do I keybind to one specific program

    Hi guys. Im using win7 64bit SP1 and I quite often listen to music while playing FPS games. However at times i will discover i dont like a particular song or the volume is to loud or too quiet depending on my mood. I have sorted how to change the song by installing intellipoint 8.0. However the...
  3. G

    Windows 7 Change backspace behaviour in Windows Explorer

    Is there any way to change the backspace key behaviour so that it is keyed to "Up one Level" rather than back?
  4. T

    Windows 7 Flip3D to Alt-Tab

    My left Windows Key dont work anymore but i would like to use Flip3d. Is there a way to set Flip3d from Win-Tab to Alt-Tab? And set Alt-Tab to other Keycombination? I did a search here found a possible solution with Autohotkey Script Manager. Ive tried it but to be honest im too dumb for it. I...