
  1. P

    Windows 7 Searching tool to execute a prgm after certain time of incativity?

    I am searching a tool which let me define - a certain time of inactivity (e.g. 30 minutes) with no keypress or mouse movements and - another program (or batch script) (with parameters) which is automatically executed after this time of inactivity. Can soemone give me a recommendation for such...
  2. F

    Windows 10 Keys repeat uncontrollably when logged in

    Hi, I got this problem that's been going on for quite some time. When I log in to my desktop, the keyboard just spams a single key, "f" uncontrollably like it is being hold down. It goes like this... ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff...
  3. Windows 7 How to Track Keypress

    I want to be able to see all the programs that have "keyListeners" actively running. So if I press Escape, I want to see all the programs running on my computer (or really just the active window) and the specific file that handles that input and then does something (for instance which file in a...
  4. Windows 7 Bluetooth issue with key being pressed down

    I have a Deltaco USB bluetooth adapter that I want to use to connect a wiimote to my computer to play games with. But when I plug the adapter in, the computer acts as if the up arrow-key is being constantly pressed down, making it scroll upwards or flip through options constantly. Nothing short...
  5. Windows 7 Double-keypress "bug" with Remote Wonder?

    I first discovered how to get my old ATI Remote Wonder (RF remote control) to work with 64bit Windows 7 back when I was still Beta testing Win7 in 2009. Works great, and I'm thrilled I didn't have to throw away something so useful. It does have one minor problem though that I only just figured...
  6. M

    Windows 7 Send MCE remote command on startup

    Hi, Hoping someone will know the answer... I have this MCE remote contol: CIT Media Remote Control 10 Metre Range Plug-and-Play.. | It works fine in conjunction with XBMC, with one slight problem... It acts as a replacement for the mouse by default, i.e. the direction...
  7. E

    Windows 7 keyboard and my joystick

    i have problem with keyboard and my joystick in at games i can't press 3 keys in keyboard at same time like in James Camerons Avatar The Game i can't press ( w + shift + space ) at same time the windows make sound but not make the move . and when press this i can't press ( d or a ) too i must...