
  1. VIDEO L4D2: Zombie Teletubbies From Space! (Left 4 Dead 2 - Comedy Gaming)

    Some expletives :razz:
  2. Windows 10 How to repair the SFC in Build 10041

    The other day a friend and I decided to have a game of L4D2 although for some strange reason the game would start but then crash. Whilst searching for a fix, a solution was found which involved using the System file scanner to repair system files. The trouble is that with recent builds the SFC...
  3. Windows 7 Complete power off issues while playing games.

    Hey Guys, I have an issue with my rig completely powering off suddenly within the first 15secs of graphics/cpu/RAM intensive games. The 2 games tested is BF3 and L4D2. UT99 works without issue. This issue started a few days ago, here is my set up: 8 GB G-Skill 1600 RAM 256 GB Kingston SSD 1...
  4. Windows 7 BSoD - Please help - Thanks

    Hey Guys, I am getting BSoD quite often. (especially when I try to verify cache integrity of L4D2 on steam, which will not launch). I also get a BSoD at random times during normal use and while playing games. Thanks for your help I have attached CPUID screen shots and dump files. For system...
  5. Windows 7 L4D2- Dead Air Beta release

    The L4d map Dead Air is today being released on beta for L4D2. Left 4 Dead Blog
  6. Windows 7 DLC News for L4D2

    Looks like us L4D fans will have something to look forward to in April: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  7. Windows 7 L4D2: The Passing

    First L4D2 add-on content looks good We are able to update our previous story with news that we can now confirm the first downloadable content for Left 4 Dead 2 titled The Passing will arrive this Thursday for Xbox 360 owners willing to spend the 560 Microsoft Points that it will cost. While...
  8. I

    Windows 7 Dual Screen display gaming, mouse loses focus

    Using Win 7 64X 8800 gt Logitech G9 Have two monitors setup and when I'm playing games like L4D2 or TF2 the mouse does not stay focused on the game in full screen mode, if I drag to the right I can see the cursor some times on the second screen, the reason it is an issue is that when the mouse...