lan cable

  1. CRooY3

    Windows 10 Windows 10 freezes randomly

    A couple days ago I installed a fresh Windows 10. Win10 Pro, latest version download from official Microsoft's web pages. After installation, I have updated the system with latest Windows updates. The system is fully up-to-date. But, computer freezes randomly and I can't do anything except...
  2. J

    Windows 10 Wifi won't enable

    I have upgraded to windows 10 this week - all went fine with the upgrade except that the wifi on my laptop stopped working. I upgraded the drivers - no luck as the wifi was a little flaky anyway I upgraded the card to I have upgraded to windows 10 this week - all went fine with the upgrade...
  3. M

    Windows 7 No internet access, but there is...?

    Hi, i've got the "always on" type of an internet link. I have 2 computers in my room, desktop & laptop. On both of them i get the Unidentified network - No internet access. My router (also in my room) cant seem to get connected either. Then i took my dads laptop and tried on the same cable i...
  4. T

    Windows 7 windows 7 and windows 2000

    hi, i need to send a file from win7 mount on a lenovo thinkpad to a desktop with win2000 throught lan cable, but i can't see desktop pc in my laptop. In conclusion: FROM DESKTOP WIN2000------SEND FILE--------TO LAPTOP WIN7 OK:razz: LAPTOP WIN 7------SEND FILE--------TO DESKTOP WIN2000 NOT...