latitude d620

  1. A

    Windows 7 Dell w/ Windows 7 Crashes on Lid Close

    Hello everybody, I've been having a recurring problem with my Dell Latitude D620. I bought it around four years ago with Windows Vista, then I downgraded to XP with few problems.* Around half a year ago, I upgraded to Windows 7, and everything was going ok until my computer started mysteriously...
  2. K

    Windows 7 Frequent crashes citing 0x124_GenuineIntel

    Hey guys and gals, I'm diagnosing a Latitude D620 running Windows 7 x64. Recently it's been crashing every couple of days - occasionally with a BSOD, but more typically just locking up or shutting down immediately. Most of the logged events are along the lines of: Error 4/8/2010 1:20:42 PM...
  3. D

    Windows Vista Gadgets issue

    I am running Vista Business on a Dell Latitude D620. The other day when I booted up, I noticed my gadgets were all weird. They were either not loading completely, or some were simply little white boxes. I have seen the issue resolved elsewhere on the net by fixing .dll files and whatnot, and I...
  4. C

    Windows Vista I promise you cannot solve my wireless problem!

    I'm sorry for the long post, but as the title promises, I'm betting no one out there can solve my problem (and re-installing vista is not a "solution" by my definition). I wanted to give you every little detail so you can understand and appreciate the extent of my situation. I purchased a...