leaked build

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Mum Tries Out Leaked Windows 11 Build 21996.1 (2021)

  2. Saltgrass

    Windows 10 Another Leaked build 10134 (and 10135)

    It looks like another leaked build is out. If that is the case and we end up getting an official release in the next week, would that be the last build prior to the RTM? If I was Microsoft, I would release an RC about 2 to 3 weeks prior to the RTM. Depending when the RTM would be finalized...
  3. News

    Windows 9 to Bring Storage Sense, Reveals Leaked Build 9834

    Windows 9 leaked build 9834 reveals the update will add Storage Sense. Continue reading...
  4. kemical

    Windows 8 Microsoft to show Blue at conference

    The Verge has revealed more details on the Windows Blue release: Reference: Windows Blue public preview planned for Build developer conference | The Verge
  5. News

    Windows 8 Screenshots Of Windows 8 Build 8172 Emerge, Looks A Lot Like Windows 8

    Hope you weren't expecting anything groundbreaking from the latest leaks of Windows 8, because so far as we can tell, build 8172 looks just about like the build we toyed with back at... Link Removed
  6. News

    Leaked Windows 8 build shows Microsoft going FTW

    A leaked version of Windows 8 (build 7989) seems to indicate that Remdond is finally getting serious about coding a halfway decent operating system. read more Link Removed
  7. News

    Windows 8 Build 7989 Leaks

    Paul Thurrott's Supersite for Windows According to BetaArchive, Windows 8 is nearing the M3 milestone, the final stop on the way to beta. And they’ve received a new leaked build of Windows 8, build 7989 (7989.winmain.110421-1285.615974c7346f7374). Here are some shots of the build, including...
  8. News

    Windows 8 build 7955 sporting new 'Black' Screen of Death

    I’ve been toying around with the leaked build 7955 of Windows 8 for a little while now and came across this ‘revamped feature’ earlier today … Source: Yahoo! News
  9. News

    Windows 8 Portable Workspace Lets You Take It With You

    Screenshots from an early leaked build of Windows 8 reveal a Portable Workspace feature to take a bootable copy of your Windows 8 OS with you on a USB thumb drive. Source: Yahoo! News
  10. News

    Leaked Windows 8 M1 Build 7850 Screenshots

    It looks like Microsoft's "shhh... let's not leak our hard work" plea to Windows 8 testers has fallen on deaf ears, as an early development milestone of Windows 8 was leaked in the wild. The shots are remarkably boring, since it looks exactly like Windows 7. Duh. Source: Yahoo! News
  11. C

    Windows 7 Build 7265?

    Is this only a leaked build? why is it I can only install build 7100 even after a clean install with upgrades. Ckain
  12. Master Chief

    Windows 7 June 29th is here...

    So I heard a lot of talk that something would leak today, June 29th...just wondering if anyone has any news relating to a newly leaked build.
  13. whoosh

    Windows 7 Leaked build 7100 rc may contain a trojan !

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