libre office

  1. H

    Windows 10 Office vs Office 365

    I am having major problems getting the programs in Microsoft Office to work on my 2 Windows 10 computers. I have a legal installation from 2002 that has worked flawlessly all these years. I've been working with Word and Excel since they were first lasered. Before that I worked with Vicicalc...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Interesting Difference in Math Calculations in different programs

    I noticed a difference in the results of a math problem I did in 4 separate programs, and they split 2 to 2 on the result. I multiplied the following 2 numbers in Windows Calculator, a Firefox add-on calculator, Libre Office Calc and MS Excel with interesting resuts ...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Problem with OPEN WITH>>>CHOOSE DEFAULT PRGRAM feature of Windows 7

    Hello, The problem I am having occured after I installed a trial version of Office 365. I found that the file association for xls files was still Libre Office. I went to "Open with>>>Choose default program" and made the mistake of going into the C: drive and selecting an .exe called OSPREARM...