
  1. News

    VDS Basic Provider event ID 1 is logged on a Hyper-V guest operating system

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  2. News

    NetLogon 3210 events are logged after MSA renews it password in Windows 7 SP1 and Windows...

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  3. MakTenderz

    Windows 7 Non Responsive programs on Sleep

    Everytime I leave my house with my computer on, and I return most of my programs end up NOT RESPONDING How can I figure out what is causing this issue so my programs dont hang like this? Is there a log file I can view to see when and what causes issues, it seems to be happening a lot on my...
  4. Mike

    March 2014 Website Changes and Updates

    Good news, everyone! We continue to work on our support community here at WindowsForum.com. Please expect more updates in the coming month. March 5, 2014: Forum software was updated. March 5, 2014: Special thanks to @Pauli for his generous donation to help continue website operations. March...
  5. News

    Event ID 4107 or Event ID 11 is logged in the Application log in Windows and in Windows Server

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  6. News

    Event ID 55 is logged on a Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based file server

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  7. News

    KDC Event ID 16 or 27 is logged if DES for Kerberos is disabled

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  8. E

    Windows 7 Problem with Simple BAT file

    I have created a batch file to run three programs. However it doesn't run the first two just the last one. Whenever the batch file is running I see a window open and quickly close when each of the first two programs are requested to run. The window is only open for a second so I cannot see...
  9. News

    [SDP 3][ 4f18caa6-df64-4dfd-a18e-096cf5a6a0fc] IPSEC Trace Logging

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  10. News

    How to Enable Microsoft Installer logging and Verbose logging to gather additional troubleshooting I

  11. pagroundhog

    Windows 8 How to Clear All Windows 8 Event Logs

    This script was made for Windows 7 but works perfectly on Windows 8: Event Viewer One Click Clear - Windows 7 Help Forums Note: Some say you should never clear the Event Logs but when "I can't see the forrest for the trees", I run this script (as admin). All kudos to the author!
  12. News

    A hotfix that logs an event for the errors that are resulted from dropped frames or dropped requests

  13. M

    Windows 7 Win7 how to display military time and seconds in a DIR command

    Hardware/Software . existing HP notebook with Win7 32bit Symptoms . to diagnose a virus attack, it helps to know, to the second, when a file was updated. With only a sorted ADMIN DIR output B 4 the restore, it could only log to the minute. Tho I eventually saw the files it created, seconds...
  14. S

    Windows 8 Whenever I open a metro app my explorer crashes then recovers

    This is what is showing in Windows Logs/Application Log Name: Application Source: Application Error Date: 26 Jan 2013 7:00:49 PM Event ID: 1000 Task Category: (100) Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: bluedragon...
  15. News

    Error logging in HTTP APIs

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  16. Z

    Windows 7 Homegroup Log error ??

    Keep getting this error, in the event viewer, can't figured it out what the cause, so I thought I would post it to the forum. - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> - <System> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing"...
  17. News

    Event ID 4097 is not logged as expected when you cannot install an ActiveX control from a website to

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  18. C

    Windows 7 Sandboxie for malware simulating/tracing?

    First I just want to say, I am NOT developing malware. However, what I am trying to do is be able to run any malware/virus, regardless of how deadly it is in a protected environment so I can trace what it does (well, tries to do) to my system. At the same time it would block and log all...
  19. News

    [SDP 3][ 4f18caa6-df64-4dfd-a18e-096cf5a6a0fc] IPSEC Trace Logging

    The IPSEC Trace Logging diagnostic is designed to collect information to troubleshoot IPSEC-related issues through advanced trace logging. Link Removed - Invalid URL
  20. News

    [SDP 3][ 4f18caa6-df64-4dfd-a18e-096cf5a6a0fc] IPSEC Trace Logging

    The IPSEC Trace Logging diagnostic is designed to collect information to troubleshoot IPSEC-related issues through advanced trace logging. Link Removed