logical partition

  1. Windows 8 Windows 8 OEM on logical partition

    I'm getting a new Lenovo G510 (or possibly Z500) in a few days, and was trying to decide how to manage the operating systems I'm going to install. What I would like to do is: Primary Partition - Ubuntu or Mint (Most Frequently Used) Primary Partition - Storage Extended Partition 2 logical...
  2. A

    Windows 7 MFTR overwritten. No drive D:

    Using the program called Eraser, I erased the free disk space of drive D: which is a logical partition on my only physical drive. Apparently the program overwrote the Master File Table Records and as result, I do not see the content of the D: drive. When looking at the properties of the D...
  3. Windows 7 Windows 7 Changing system partition

    Earlier I had two partitions, D(logical) and C(system). Now, I have added a new HDD and I've made two new partitions, B(logical) and S(system), now I want to format C and install Windows in S partition. What's the best way to do it? I hope you can help me guys!
  4. B

    Windows 7 ACLs, partitions and users profiles

    Hi In Windows7 SP1, I noticed that the ACLs of the root directory of a logical partition (D:) formatted NTFS are different from those of the root directory of the system partition (C:): C:\Windows\system32>icacls c:\ c:\ BUILTIN\Administrators:(F) BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)...
  5. B

    Windows 7 Setting of the ACLs for the root directory of a logical partition where the users profiles are saved

    HI I have Windows 7 SP1 and I should only move the users profiles (without the default profile) and the public folder in a NTFS logical partition. I should modify the ACLs of the root directory (\) of the logical partition to still have a coherent and stable system or not? If so, how should I...
  6. Windows 7 Parition ("E drive") suddenly went missing. Does not appear in Windows Disk Management tool or third

    In my Sister's laptop, running Windows 7 Ultimate x86, all of a sudden, while she was working on the computer, the "E drive" went missing which was a partition on the hard disk (I don't remember if it was a logical or primary partition). She tried restarting the system but to no avail. So, I...
  7. P

    Windows 7 dual booting problem

    new here so firstly, hi to all. i need some advice please, so hope some can help and am posting in the correct place. will try to describe the issues below. if i am not clear enough, let me know and i will do my best to explain better. anyway, i had win XP and win 7 installed as dual boot on one...
  8. Windows 7 delete primary partition

    I creatrd a partition using Spotmau Partition Genius for backup until I could get an external hard drive. When I click the partition in the program ti says "Unallocated". I can't do anything with the partition and it is not visible in Windows. I would like to know how to delete it and create a...
  9. S

    Windows 7 Coming from Ubuntu

    Hi I had Ubuntu for a brief period of time on my pc as my mine OS and now I'm trying to upgrade to Windows 7. When I get to the partition section of the installation and cannot get any farther. My partitions are as follows: Free Space Type Disk 0...
  10. R

    Windows 7 Dual Boot Vista 64 / Win 7 64 - 0xc000000D on win7 boot

    I've been going at this all day searching, trial and error, and it's all very frustrating at this point. I wanted to try Windows 7 since it has been released in the RC status (because I had aquaintances try 7000 beta, and no one liked it). So I want to have it on my machine to tinker with and...
  11. Windows 7 delete old xp partition

    Hi, I had an xp windows, then i installed windows 7 on a separate partition. Now i want to delete the xp partition and to stay only with windows 7 (without the current dual boot), but i dont know how to do it right. (Currently the xp is on active partition and windows 7 on a logical one)...
  12. B

    Windows 7 Multi-boot Installation Problems

    Need a bit of help here. I've been trying everything I could think of for the past 3 days but nothing is working out for me. I'm trying to set up W7 on my laptop, which already has Vista installed as the primary OS, and Ubuntu as a second OS. I was hoping the set up W7 as my third, but I've...
  13. T

    Windows 7 corrupt disk problem?!?

    i used an acronis bootable flash drive to help partition and set up my windows 7 partition and when i did this without realizing (please tell me if this is even a problem) i made the partition logical instead of primary and it is not set as active. this partition is about 30gb along with an...