login issue

  1. ravr

    Windows 7 Explorer Doesnt start

    ok i have another problem :P which now is windows 7 related XD When i start my pc and log in on my account all comes up is a my documents window.. which means the explorer doesnt start properly.. when i do ctrl + alt + del and run explorer everything works perfectly i get the taskbar and...
  2. Z

    Windows 7 When I install VMWARE WS 6.5 in Windows 7 it creates -VMWare-User- ! why ?

    I have Windows 7 installed on my laptop. I installed VMware Workstation 6.5 in it to use other operating system from Windows 7. After installation when I rebooted the system it had created a new user --vmware-user-- I tried to log in to it but I don't know what is its password. I log in with my...
  3. G

    Windows 7 MSN Messenger

    I am having an issue to log into MSN Messenger. I get this error when I try to login, i'm 100% sure my password is right. Any help here? Link Removed
  4. A

    Windows 7 Error

    When i close my laptop and leave for a bit, come back, open it, i expect it to come on and ask for a log in straight away... but it comes up with a black background with a blue rectangle in the centre which has white writing on it, then it starts up as if i told it to shut down not stand by...
  5. T

    Windows 7 Windows 7, 32Bit - BLACK??

    I have 2 Nvidia Geforce 9800 GTX grphics cards, Everytime windows loads up, Right before the login screen but after the windows logo my screen goes black and says no signal. I have to turn my monitor off then back on to see the login screen. After I log in my background is black and my task...
  6. J

    Windows Vista Vista Keeps loggin out

    I have an Acer laptop 2 gb ram, 1.90 Ghz dual core with Vista home premium. Every time I log in it will load up for about 3 min and then it logs me out. The account has admin privilages. It will boot up just fine in safe mode and does not log me out? Does anyone have any ideas about what would...
  7. U

    Windows Vista Unable to login to hidden Vista Admin Account

    I have just done a fresh install of Windows VISTA Business x64 and have created 2 user accounts one is standard, the other is an admin account I have hidden the admin account using HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList How do I...